Pool Cover Solutions

Why Cover?

Pool Safety, Pool Maintenance, and Savings-Automatic Safety Pool Covers save time, money, and lives


Having a swimming pool can provide the ultimate experience in backyard family fun.  A pool is also a great responsibility.  Each year hundreds of children are killed or seriously injured in swimming pool accidents, most of which could have been prevented if a safety pool cover was in use.

The Facts:

  • Nearly half of child drowning victims were last seen in the house
  • Most drowning victims were missing for 5 minutes or less before being discovered in the pool and were being supervised by one or both parents (who were momentarily distracted by routine household activities)
  • Drowning is swift and silent.  There is no splashing sound or cries for help


The Solutions:

  • There is NO substitute for Adult Supervision
  • Most counties require minimum fencing requirements for swimming pools.  However multiple layers of protection are recommended, including Automatic Safety Pool Covers that meet the ASTM 1346-91 and are UL listed. Some counties are even recognizing Automatic Safety Covers that meet these requirements to be used in lieu of fencing as a primary barrier.
  • An Automatic Safety Pool Cover acts as a “horizontal fence” when covering a pool.  Traditional fences can be climbed by most children and only “deter” access to the yard.  A pool covered with an Automatic Safety Pool Cover is the best way to prevent access to the water.  Alarms and fencing provide multiple layers of protection but do not physically block access to the water.
  • Learn more about Pool Safety at https://www.poolsafely.gov/

View our automatic safety pool covers options, seasonal mesh covers, and removable mesh fencing here.


Simple steps saves lives

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) launched Pool Safely: Simple Steps to Save Lives, a national public education campaign to reduce childhood drowning, submersion injuries, and entrapments. Above is a Pool Safely Educational Video.


Why waste?  Current pool owners know the expense of keeping a pool running: chemicals, electricity, heating, water, and time spent cleaning your pool can add up to a large expense.  The benefits of having your own pool will probably outweigh these costs, but being able to drastically reduce all of these expenses would certainly be nice. According to the Department of Energy:

  • Evaporation is by far the largest source of energy loss for both outdoor AND indoor swimming pools.
  • Evaporating water requires tremendous amounts of energy.  It only takes 1 Btu (British thermal unit) to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree, but each pound of 80°F water that evaporates takes a whopping1,048 Btu of heat out of the pool.
  • Covering a pool when it is not in use is the single most effective means of reducing pool heating costs.
  • Savings of 50% – 70% are possible.

Besides offering energy savings, pool covers also do the following:

  • Conserve water by reducing the amount of make-up water needed by 30% – 50%
  • Reduce the pool’s chemical consumption by 35% – 60%
  • Reduce cleaning time by keeping dirt and other debris out of the pool

Resource: US Department of Energy – Energy Savers – Swimming Pool Covers

Going Green?

No matter how “efficient” your pool pump and heater are, unless the pool itself is covered, your money is literally “evaporating”.  You would never heat your house with all the windows open, so why would you heat your pool without a cover?  A Cover-Pools® Automatic Pool Cover is the simplest way to cover or uncover your pool in less than a minute making it the most effective way to get the savings out of your “energy efficient” equipment. Automatic Safety Pool Covers save you time, energy, and money!

    Contact Pool Cover Solutions:

    Spring is just around the corner! Time to schedule your annual maintenance. Keeping your automatic pool cover properly maintained will extend the life of your cover and keep your pool backyard ready! Avoid the rush and call Pool Cover Solutions today.843-766-0289Service@pcs-se.com ... See MoreSee Less
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    Hey Charleston! Spring is just around the corner. Time to start planning your pool design. Make sure you talk with your pool builder about adding an automatic pool cover to your pool design. Come see us at the Charleston Home and Design Show to meet our team, discuss options, and get inspired. ... See MoreSee Less
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    Another year. Another opportunity. Let us help you with that. Spend more time making memories and enjoying the moment. An automatic pool cover will save you time on (daily) maintenance and allow you to control who gets in your pool and when. Speak with your pool builder about adding an automatic pool cover to your pool design.poolcoversolutions.com ... See MoreSee Less
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    Merry Christmas!!! ... See MoreSee Less
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    In Preparation of Hurricane Idahlia, here are a few helpful reminders to hopefully reduce any possible damage the storm may have on your automatic pool cover.Please remember to leave your pool uncovered. Turn your breaker to the pool cover off.After the storm passes, check for flooding around the motor. If there isn’t any flooding in the vault/around the motor then you may turn your breaker to the pool cover back on. Take local advisories under consideration. Stay safe! ... See MoreSee Less
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